Friday, June 1, 2012

The first breakfast

     Ah breakfast.  I remember you.  I don't normally eat breakfast, which is the first habit the Whole 30 is going to change.  I normally don't eat until around 6:30pm or so (background - I work from 2:30pm - 11:30pm, and like most humans, I wake up shortly before my work day starts), but today, I woke up half an hour early, cranked up the old foreman, and made breakfast.

    Grilled Chicken, steamed green beans, and a handful of olives.  According to the Whole 30 folks, this is a good breakfast.  My stomach disagreed with eating that much food, that early.  I told my stomach to be silent unless it wants to be punished, and slogged through the meal.  

    Chicken was a little dry / bland.  Then again it was chicken.  Need to find some sort of spices besides salt and pepper.  Green beans were green beans.  I should have eaten spinach, but I just couldn't face it this early in the morning.  Tomorrow will be spinach.  I remember not much caring for spinach in my youth.  I will see if that memory holds true or if my tastes have evolved.  Olives were delicious olives, always yummy.  

     Overall I feel fairly well this morning.   We shall see as things progress.  

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